Education Abroad
Studying abroad can expose you to new cultures, new places and new ideas. With lots of options, Texas A&M University's Education Abroad office has an international adventure for everyone. We offer courses from freshman to doctoral levels, and programs range anywhere from one week to an entire school year.
See steps for studying abroad
Meet With an Advisor
Meeting with your advisor is a good place to start if you're interested in studying abroad. All advisors can provide general advice on different program types and funding opportunities. But each advisor mainly works with certain program types and can provide specifics on their own programs.
Find an Education Abroad advisorPrograms
Program Types
Our Education Abroad program types include group trips, faculty-led programs, exchange programs and affiliate provider programs. Programs can last anywhere from a week to a full academic year.
Learn about our Education Abroad program typesEducation Abroad Programs
With over 400 programs going to 110 different countries, your options are limitless. Find a program that's perfect for you and take the Aggie Spirit anywhere.
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